Previous Conferences

8. Challanges and Opportunities in Education of the XXIst Century

Date: 29-30.11.2018

7. The "Democratic Man" and Security of Organisations

Date: 18-19.01.2018

6. Designing Universities

Date: 21-22.01.2017

5. Ethics and Rational Decision Making

Date: 24-25.05.2016

4. Designing Morals, Habits and Mores - Theory and Practice

Date: 27.05.2015

3. Ideał uniwersytetu, a potrzeby społeczne. (Polish)

Date: 21.01.2015

2. Searching for the Management Ideals: Ethics of  Economy and Interpersonal Communication

Date: 11.06.2014

1. Projektowanie ideału. Między ideologią a etyką. (Polish)

Date: 19.12.2013

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