Public Speaking and Self-Presentation

Your audience. Target groups

- FOR INVESTORS – be precise about possible outcomes and their profits, give them examples of similar successful inventions, speak their language, illustrate possibilities.

- FOR SUPERVISORS: sell ideas, projects, they are interested in the heart of the matter, feasibility, issues, costs, results, time, conclusions (avoid details it they are not necessary).

- FOR EMPLOYEES (subordinate): create an atmosphere of trust, honesty, self-confidence, carefully explain.

- FOR PROFESSIONALS (EXPERTS): provide details, prove your competence.

- FOR BUSINESSMEN: less details, more general information, development choices, decisions, costs.

- FOR COLLEAGUES: share information, show examples from their experience, ask for and respond to their questions.

- FOR UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONALS – clarify the structure: questions, hypotheses, justifications; give examples the “canonical” literature (learn names, schools and theories that are popular in their field) of your audience; be precise in logical qualification (distinguish theses from hypotheses, research from explanatory hypotheses, opinions from scientific knowledge, etc.).


-          Check out expectations of your audience

-          Check out the assessment criteria of your audience

-          Respect time limits

-          Watch reactions of your audience

-          Carefully and respectfully respond to questions

-          Do not overestimate your ideas. Suggest their value by empirical data, opinions of experts, and analogies to similar inventions.



