Important dates

2017.12.15: Deadline for registration and abstract submissions (Ostateczny termin rejestracji i przesyłania abstraktów)

2017.01.01: Notification about accepted presentations and their form (lecture or poster) on the web-site "Conference Program". We do not send personal confirmations.The scientific committee decides whether the presentation will be in the form of a lecture or the form of a poster. (Zawiadomienie o przyjętych prezentacjach oraz ich formie - wykład lub poster - w zakładce "Conference Program". Nie wysyłamy indywidualnych potwierdzeń. Komitet naukowy podejmuje decyzję o tym, czy wystąpienie będzie w formie wykładu, czy w formie posteru)

2018.03.01: Full text submission deadline. (Termin przesyłania pełnych tekstów)

2018.01.18-19: The conference date. (Data konferencji)

The conference date has changed, because our Organisational Partner (the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico/USA) has still not recovered from the devastating damage that the hurricane left behind almost two months ago. Our Partner is trying as hard as possible to recover the electricity-grid in and around the University. We have good reasons to believe they will manage to improve the facilities until January 2018.

The New Conference Date is 18th – 19th of January 2018.

We are sorry for all inconveniences and appreciate your understanding of the Situation and please keep in mind that we are very excited and look forward to your thoughts and presentations in January.

2018.11.15: Information about the acceptance of texts for publication, we apologize for the dełay. (Informacja o przyjęciu tekstów do monografii, przepraszamy za opóźnienie)