We indicate the Central European time in Warsaw. If you are not sure of the time difference, click here.
1:30 pm (CET) - Opening Ceremony
I: What about humanization and ethics of innovation?
1.35 – 3.40 pm (CET), chair: Prof. Ewa Okoń-Horodyńska, PhD
Prof. Rocco Buttiglione, PhD (Instituto de Filosofia Edith Stein Granada, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City, Italian) - Ethics behind innovation policies/politics
Prof. Dr. Stephan Höfer, Prof. Dr. Joerg Naeve (ESB Business Scholl Hochschule Reutlingen, Germany) - Lean Innovation
Prof. Carlos Largacha-Martinez , PhD (Universidad Areandina / Quantic Humanism Initiative, Bogota, Colombia) - Is it possible to humanize the use of Artificial Intelligence at SME's?
Prof. Jan F. Jacko, PhD (Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland) - Ethics to identify innovations
Session II – Novelty or non-novelty in production, services, education and social behaviour!
3.50-6.10 pm (CET), chair: Prof. Ewa
Okoń-Horodyńska, PhD
Prof. Radosław Mącik, PhD (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland) -
Am I Managing, or Am I Managed? How young consumers perceive the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet of Things.
Monika Ratajczyk, PhD (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland) - New or not new? How the pseudo-innovations in
packaging affect the purchase of food products on the market?
Manlio Della Marca, PhD (LMU Munich, Germany) - “Make It New”: Ezra Pound, Marshall
McLuhan, and the Nature of Cultural and Technological Innovation
doc. Natalia M. Poznyakovska (The National University of Water and
Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine)
- Innovative education as an effective response to modern challenges
Presentation of the results of UNA.TEN
project- Travelling in Times of Pandemic:
Reaching Safe and Innovative Ideas through Design Thinking
Session III A - Young researchers on innovations - Polish perspective
6.15-8.30 pm (CET), chair: Agnieszka Konior, PhD
Magdalena Lubaś (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland) - Innowacje w sektorze finansowym
Kasper (Jagiellonian University, Kraków,
- Pseudoinnowacje na rynku finansowym: toxic options, high frequency trading
Agnieszka Polakowska (Lublin University of Technology, Poland) - Innowacje „w rękach” marketingowców, czyli czy
można jeszcze zaskoczyć klienta?
Damian Abramczyk (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland) - Ulga IP BOX jako przejaw wsparcia działalności
badawczo - rozwojowej przedsiębiorstw innowacyjnych
Agata Jajuga (Lublin University of Technology, Poland) - Innowacje w startupach – rola procesu kreowania
unikalnego pomysłu w modelu biznesowym
Piotr Pieńkosz (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland) - Samorząd terytorialny jako kreator innowacyjnych
rozwiązań na przykładzie systemu e-kontrole wdrożonego w strefie płatnego
parkowania w Warszawie
Iga Bielawska (Warsaw School of Economics – SGH, Poland) - Pandemia COVID-19 jako katalizator innowacyjnych
rozwiązań w Azji
Piech Karolina (University of Wroclaw, Poland) - Innowacje w dobie koronawirusa a polskie prawo karne - o odpowiedzialności karnej wynalazcy słów kilka
Jan Solarski, Adam Moryń (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) - Odpowiedzialność prawna za szkody wyrządzone przez działanie autonomicznych pojazdów
III B - Young researchers on
innovations - international perspective
6.15-8.30 pm (CET), chair: Prof. Jan F. Jacko, PhD
Anna Teler (The Pontifial University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland) - The Hostages of Demand for Novelty - the Role of Innovation in a Media Organization. CNN Analysis based on Schumpeter's Theory of Innovation
(University College London, United Kingdom) - Innovation, Economic
Growth and Social Progress
Bansal, PhD (JVMGRR College, Charkhi Dadri, India) - Reinventing the same is the
case of pseudo-novelty or not: a study
from Indian perspective
Anastasia Velihurska (The National
University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine) - Anti-crisis
measures taken by countries dur to the unforeseen economic turmoil
Krenke (Jagiellonian University, Kraków,
- A case-study of innovations
inspired by the covid-19 crisis
Sharma, Naveen K. Mani (Sandip
University, Mahiravani, India) - Innovative practices for food security &
sustainable agriculture: a forecasting challenge to post pandemic economy
Szatkowska (Kozminski University & Bradford University, Warsaw, Poland) - Responsible Innovation:
a case study from MedTech industry in response to COVID-19
Closing Ceremony