Autor: Jacko, J. F.

Date: (2008)

Title: Koncepcja edukacji w kontekście Platońskiego paradoksu wiedzy.

Editors: A. Błachnio, M. Drzewowski, M. Schneider, W. J. Maliszewski.

Source: Interakcje komunikacyjne w edukacji z perspektywy sytuacyjności i kontekstowości znaczeń.

City: Toruń.

Publisher: Wydawnictwo Adama Marszałka.

Pages: 164-178.


APA: Jacko, J. F. (2008). Koncepcja edukacji w kontekście Platońskiego paradoksu wiedzy. W: red. A. Błachnio, M. Drzewowski, M. Schneider. In: ed. J. Maliszewski. Interakcje komunikacyjne w edukacji z perspektywy sytuacyjności i kontekstowości znaczeń. Toruń: Wyd. Adam Marszałek: 164-78.


Theories of education in the context of Platonic paradox of knowledge


The essay discusses the concept of education in theories that attempt to solve of the paradox. of knowledge This paradox has been first introduced by Plato in his dialogue Meno, where he brought up the ‘sophistic’ puzzle, which states that inquiry is impossible for one has no need to inquire after something one already knows, nor yet after what one do not know, since, in the second case, one would not even recognize the object one were looking for, if one should succeed in finding it. The essay analyzes main approaches to the above paradox, such as classical theories of education introduced by Plato and Aristotle, and some ‘minimalist’ solutions, among others ones that can be found in some conventional (J. Lotman, K. Popper, K. Ajdukiewicz) aprioristic (l. Kant), and nominalistic theories.

